Keratosis pilaris (KP) resembles goosebumps in appearance, but is characterized by the appearance of small rough bumps on the skin. Primarily, it appears on the back and outer sides of the upper arms, but can also occur on thighs and buttocks or any body part except palms or soles.
How is keratosis pilaris diagnosed?
No special tests are needed, a Dermatologist or General Practitioner should be able to recognize it.
Who does keratosis pilaris affect?
Keratosis pilaris affects women, men, children, and babies. It is said to be a little more common in women than in men.
Is keratosis pilaris contagious?
No. Keratosis pilaris is a hereditary skin disorder.
Can KP be prevented?
No. Since keratosis pilaris is hereditary, there is nothing that can be done to prevent it. Following a treatment plan can alleviate the outward characteristics of keratosis pilaris.
Will I outgrow KP?
Some people do outgrow KP, however many do not.
Keratosis Pilaris Tips
Use mild soaps or gentle body washes.
Apply moisturizers frequently -- For better absorption, apply to the skin while it's still moist after showering.
Take tepid showers rather than hot baths.
Light exfoliation with an abrasive pad may sometimes be of help, however scrubbing the areas of KP is not recommended, and can worsen the condition.
Keeping areas of KP exfoliated with a Salicylic Acid or AHA based lotion works best.
Keratosis Pilaris (KP) -a common benign eruption consisting of scaly papules of the follicles; primarily affects the extensor surfaces of the arms and thighs.
Keratosis Pilaris is a disorder of hyperkeratosis. It is a very common benign condition, which presents as folliculocentric keratotic papules. Although there is no defined etiology, it is often described in association with ichthyosis vulgaris and less commonly with atopic dermatitis.