Currently there is no information about any research being done for keratosis pilaris (KP). However, you can help by signing a petition online requesting that research be done. Please read the following for more information about this petition; the more signatures the better...
"I have placed a petition up requesting that dermatological researchers make a better effort to understand the causes of KP. Now that the human genome has been mapped and there are sophisticated computer models available to analyze any information dermatologists could collect about KP, there is more hope than ever, but researchers don't seem to be particularly interested in KP. Let them know that we want better treatments.
Click here to learn more about this skin disorder.
Keratosis Pilaris (KP) - a common benign eruption consisting of scaly papules of the follicles; primarily affects the extensor surfaces of the arms and thighs.
Keratosis Pilaris is a disorder of hyperkeratosis. It is a very common benign condition, which presents as folliculocentric keratotic papules. Although there is no defined etiology, it is often described in association with ichthyosis vulgaris and less commonly with atopic dermatitis.