Hello! My name is Karen Smith, and I am the webmaster of this keratosis pilaris website.
I have had keratosis pilaris (KP) for as long as I can remember. I found out about keratosis pilaris during my first dermatology visit back in 1991.
The dermatologist knew immediately that the bumps on my arms, trunk (torso), thighs, and legs were keratosis pilaris -- (first time I'd ever even heard of "keratosis pilaris"). She said that I had the worst case she'd ever seen at the time.
She did an excellent job, explaining this chronic skin condition to me, but unfortunately the treatments that I was prescribed were just to harsh for my sensitive kp skin. (Retin-A & Lac-Hydrin to name a few.)
The bumps on my body aren't as bad now as they were back then, since I now know how to treat them to keep them under control. However, they do come back if I slack off on treating them.
I made the decision to create helpforkp.com in the hopes that the rest of the population would learn about KP as well. I am hoping that keratosis pilaris will become as well known as acne, eczema, and rosacea in the near future (because of the fact that nearly half the adult population has KP, and over half of all adolescence have KP; yet the majority of them have never heard of it before).
It would just be nice for keratosis pilaris to have the same type of exposure. (At least some of the beauty and fashion magazines are mentioning KP these days.)
I hope everyone that comes across this site finds it to be of help.
"I just found out what this was, I had no idea there was a technical name for it!"
"I have had keratosis pilaris since I was about 4 or 5. (I am 22 now). I always just called it my "bumpy skin"."
"it always looks like i've got "goose-bumps". and people are always asking me why i'm cold. good to have a name for them now. i just wish they would go away.
"After all these years of not knowing what these bumps were on my arms, I finally know what they are now thanks to your site!"
Keratosis Pilaris (KP) - a common benign eruption consisting of scaly papules of the follicles; primarily affects the extensor surfaces of the arms and thighs.
Keratosis Pilaris is a disorder of hyperkeratosis. It is a very common benign condition, which presents as folliculocentric keratotic papules. Although there is no defined etiology, it is often described in association with ichthyosis vulgaris and less commonly with atopic dermatitis.